In this post you can download free Montessori Pink Reading Scheme Printable pdf files. This material is the beginning of the reading program after the student has worked intensively with the movable alphabets. The Phonics Montessori Pink Reading Scheme focuses on CVC words and Short Vowels (a, e, i, o, u). (e. g map, van, peg, hen, bit, kit, dot, log, mug, bug etc.) Pink Reading scheme is the beginning of reading, it’s your foundation. Just like anything else you want to have a strong foundation for your student to be set up for success.
Montessori Pink Reading Scheme Set Includes:
- Picture and word Matching Cards.
- Pink Word Lists
- Rhyming Families
- Substitution Cards
- Command Cards
- Pictures and Phrases Cards
- Pictures and sentences Cards
Activity 1 : Pink Reading Scheme Picture to word Matching cards:

Below you can view and download CVC picture to word matching cards. Printout, laminate and cut these pink reading scheme picture to word matching cards activity and have child’s sound out words and match them to the pictures. This activity is great for phonetic awareness and beginning reading exercises. This activity is meant to be printed, laminated, and cut before use. Great for use with the Montessori pink scheme.
Montessori-Pink-Reading-Scheme-Picture-to-word-Matching-CardsActivity 2: Pink Reading Scheme Words Booklets:

Student’s are invited to read the pink reading scheme Words Booklets. This time, the words aren’t written using color coding. This activity is great for phonetic awareness and beginning reading exercises. Each booklet focuses on a short vowel. A final booklet offers a mix of all the short vowels.
Activity 3 : Pink Reading Scheme Rhyming Families:

Montessori pink reading scheme rhyming families activity is great for phonetic awareness and beginning reading exercises. The Rhyming Cards work comes blank cards representing different short vowels. student have a set of mixed vowel cards to sort. They place these cards on the respective blank cards, which contain a control picture to guide the children.
Activity 4: Pink Reading Scheme vowels Substitution Cards:

Student’s are invited to use pink reading scheme vowels substitution cards, with a missing vowel in the middle, to create and read meaningful and nonsensical words. Student find this work to be very interesting. This Vowels chart flower activity is great for phonetic awareness and beginning reading activities.
Activity 5 : Command Cards and Phrases Cards:

Student can be invited to use these command cards and Phrases cards. A number of cards with action verbs are set facing down. An adult select a random card and performs it for the children to guess. Once the action is guessed, the card can be read together. Again, CVC action words are used for this work.
In Phrases Activity student’s lay the pictures on the left side, and select a phrase from a pile of cards in front of them. Phrases are shorter than sentences. It is a good way to progress and build confidence in reading.
Activity 6: Pink Reading Scheme Pictures and sentences Cards:

Montessori Pink Reading Scheme Matching Pictures to Sentences is the same as matching Pictures to Phrases with added reading challenge. The words are still in CVC style. These are short sentences with CVC phonetic words and a few sight words. The sentences used are those that an emerging reader should know; CVC words (consonant-vowel-consonant) and sight words. Please print on Cardstock paper, cut, and laminated prior to classroom use.
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