Download printable free Consonant blends word lists. Teaching these Consonant Blends Word List, student can use these consonant blends word list as a reference when they are practicing building and reading words that have blends. It’s sometimes difficult to think of words on the spot for your students to read and build to practice blends. These word lists will give students all of the words need right away. Keep this word list in a safe and easily accessible place so that you can give your students words to build with tiles without wasting any time.
Consonant blends are groups of two or three consonants in words that makes a distinct consonant sound, such as “pl” or “spr.” Below you can download Free Consonant Blends Word Lists. you need to preview these files PDF VIEWER!
In PDF includes following Consonant Blends Word Lists:

br | brim, brain, branch, brand, browse, brush, bride, brick, brave, broil, broken, bronco, bronze, brooch, brood, brace, bridge, bright, braid |
cr | crease, create, creature, credence, credit, creed, crumb, crumpet, crunch, crust, crutch, crux, cry, crypt, cryptic, crystal, crayon, craze, creak, cream |
dr | driftwood, drink, drip, drive, drivel, driven, driver, driveway, drizzle, drone, dromedary, drone, drool, drew, dribble, drier, drift, drill |
fr | frighten, fringe, frisk, frock, frog, frolic, from, frond, front, frontier, frost, froth, frothy, fraction, frail, frank, free, fret, friction, friend, frill |
gr | greyhound, gridiron, gridlock, grief, grieving, grill, grim, grimace, grime, grin, grind, grip, gripe, gristle, grit, grits, groan, grocery, groggy, gray, grid, griddle, grizzly |
pr | probably, problem, proceed, prod, project, prom, prong, pronoun, pronoun, prop, propeller, proper, proton, protractor, prize, pro, probe, problem |
tr | treasure, treble, trek, triangle, trim, trinket, trip, triplets, trod, troll, trolley, trombone, trot, trout, truck, trumpet, trash, travel, tray, tread, treat, tree |

sc | sceptic, science, scientific, scientist, scimitar, scintilla, scintillate, scissors, scoff, scofflaw scold sconce scoop scoot scope, scorch, score, scorn, scenic, scent, scepter |
sk | skip, skipjack, skipper, skirmish, skirt, skit, skittish, skittle, skivvy, skiwear, skulk, skull, skullcap, skullduggery, skunk, sky, skydive, skylark, skylight, skyline, skyrocket, skyscraper |
sm | smokescreen, smolder, smooch, smooth, smoothie, smorgasbord, smother, smudge, smug, smuggle, smith, smock, smoke |
sn | snout, snow, snowball, snowboard, snowcap, snowflake, snowmobile, snowplow, snowshoe, snub, snuck, snuff, snug, snuggle, snugly, snooze, snore, snorkel, snort, snot |
sp | spoon, spore, sports, spot, spotlight, spouse, spout, spud, spun, spunk, spur, spurn, spurt, sputnik, sputter, sponsor, spoof, spooky, spool |
st | steam, steep, stem, step, stick, sticker, sting, stomach, stone, stool, stoop, stop, store, storm, story, stove, stub, stud, student, stump, stun, star, static, steak, |
sw | sweepstake, sweltering, swerve, swift, swim, swimsuit, swindle, swine, swing, swinger, swipe, swirl, swish, Swiss, switch, swivel, swizzle, sweep, sweet, swell, swept |
scr | scrimmage, scrimshaw, script, scripture, scroll, scrooge, scrounge, scrub, scruffy, scrunch, scruples, scrutinize, scrutiny, scribble, scribe, scrimp, script |
squ | squawk, squeak, squeamish, squeegee, squeeze, squelch, squib, squid, squiggle, squint, squire, squirm, squirrel, square, squash, squat, squeal |
str | strength, stretch, stretch, strict, stride, string, stripe, strobe, stroke, stroll, strong, struck, strum, stray, streak, stream, street, stress |
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l -blends:
bl | blinkers, blitz, blizzard, bloat, blob, block, blockade, blockbuster, blockhead, bloke, blonde, blood, bloom, blooper, blossom, blot, blink, blintz, blip, bliss, blister, blithe |
cl | climate, climb, cling, clinic, clink, clip, clipboard, clique, cloak, clobber, clock, clockwise, clod, clog, clone, clop, close, closet, clot, clever, click, client, cliff |
fl | floss, flotilla, flounder, flour, flourish, flow, flower, flown, flu, flub, fluctuate, flue, fluent, fluffy, fluid, fluke, flung, flunk, flush, flute, floor, flop, Florida, florist |
gl | glob, global, globalization, globe, globetrotter, globular, glom, gloomy, glorify, glory, glossary, glossy, glove, glow, glower, glucose, glue, glum, glitter, glitz, gloat, glob |
pl | pledge, pliant, pliers, plight, plod, plop, plot, plover, plow, pluck, plug, plum, plumb, plumber, plume, plummet, plump, please, pleasure, pleat, pled, plenty |
sl | slid, slide, slim, slime, slip, slippers, slit, slob, slop, slot, sloth, slough, slow, slug, slum, slump, sleet, sleeve, sleigh, slender, slice, slick |
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