Looking for Number Flashcards for your kids ! these Flashcards are a simple, versatile, yet often under-utilized learning resource. Use these Number Flashcards 1 to 20 to make your own sets of free Number Cards counting. If you would like to keep them protected then you may want to consider printing them onto cardstock paper and laminating them.

Below you can preview and download flashcards1-20. The pdf file can be downloaded, print on A4 Size cardstock, laminate ,cut and ready to use. This pdf includes 5 Pdf A4 Size Pages.
Number-flashcardsHow to Make Number Flashcards?
Print on A4 Heavy cardstock paper and cut along the dotted lines. You can then laminate the individual number flashcards and they will even last longer.
Flashcards can be a great way to help kids remember things and these flashcards have an added layer of interactivity, as well as helping them to remember what the numbers look like, they can also help them develop their numbering skills and improve their number sense.
If You want to buy Printed Flashcards you can order online at Pakistan Montessori Council.
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Great post